Here are all the news items for 2016.

Culture in Doncaster – Have Your Say

Doncaster’s Creative & Cultural Strategic Partnership (CCSP) would like to hear from people who live, visit, work, or study in Doncaster, to find out what they think about culture in Doncaster, where they go to find culture both in Doncaster and in other areas, and what they would like to see more of in the borough. Have your say – share what you love and what you’d like to change in this survey, before 19th June 2016. Complete the survey here.

The partnership will use your feedback when developing a Culture programme in the future. If you would like help completing this survey, or you have any questions about the CCSP or the survey please call 01302 734620, or email culture@doncaster.gov.uk

Forthcoming Illustrated Talk

On Tuesday afternoon, 24 May, FoHPC committee member Richard Bell will be presenting an illustrated talk to the Tickhill Methodist Ladies’ Fellowship. Entitled “Hyde Park Cemetery – A Biography of Doncaster”, the talk covers the history of the cemetery, its notable occupants, and the work of the Friends. If you would like a similar talk for your group, please contact us.

“Discovering Doncaster’s Past”

Last Sunday’s Guided Walk around the cemetery, led by Andria, Helen & Phil from the Friends’ committee, was a great success. In all, 34 people enjoyed the afternoon sunshine, while visiting the graves and being told the stories of significant people from Doncaster’s past. We should like to thank everyone who came along and, especially, those who kindly made donations towards our work.

20160515 Guided walk

Local History Fair

The Friends had a display at today’s Local History Fair, held at Doncaster Museum & Art Gallery. Although there appeared to be fewer visitors than last year, our volunteers, nevertheless, received a great deal of interest for many people. This year’s Fair had a World War 1 theme, so our display included information on many of the people buried in Commonwealth War Graves at Hyde Park Cemetery.

The photograph shows Andria, Sheila and Phil manning the Friends’ display stand, in a lull between visitors.


Progress with New Street wall

Progress with New Street wall

The boundary wall at the New Street (western) end of the cemetery is being repaired at present by contractors working on behalf of Doncaster Council. The wall was damaged by the roots of the black poplar trees, which were eventually felled two years ago.

New St wall 20160409      New St wall_20160409

Meanwhile, the Friends have submitted an application for planning permission and listed building consent to install railings on the wall, between the masonry piers. If the application is successful, the work on the railings will begin from the northern end of New Street, working down the hill as funds become available. We already have sufficient funds to begin the work, through a generous private donation from persons who wish to remain unnamed.

Doncaster Heritage Festival

Our guided walk, ‘Discovering Doncaster’s Past’, on 15th May is the final event in this year’s Doncaster Heritage Festival. You can see full details of all the Festival events by clicking here.

Guided Walks 2016

We have just added on to our Events page details of all this year’s guided walks, including a return of our annual Bat Walk in August. Please take a look and then come along, if you can, to find out some surprising facts about Doncaster’s past.

More graves being cared for

Here is yet more evidence that graves in Hyde Park Cemetery are being cared for. The previously broken and untidy grave on the right has been restored by a local monumental mason, on behalf of the grave owner. The same owner arranged for a headstone to be erected on the previously unmarked family grave on the left, also.

Ex237 before restoration      Ex237 after restoration1

Missing footpath link reinstated

We are pleased to be able to report that, following representations to Doncaster Council, a key section of footpath in the cemetery has been reinstated, after previously being removed, soiled and seeded. The section of path in question was part of the perimeter path, in the south west corner of the site. The Friends considered it to be vital, as it formed part of the most heavily used route within the cemetery. It was also a key element of both the Heritage Circuit and the Tree Trail. We are grateful to Doncaster Council for reconsidering the situation and reinstating it.

The current arrangement of paths can be seen on the latest plan at this link.

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Website review

We are considering a thorough overhaul of this website. It has been in use for several years now, without significant changes being made to the design, so we are looking at the options for improvement. We would also like to make the site easier to navigate and browse, as well as simpler for us to update. More news about this as things develop.