Here are all the news items for 2017.

Yorkshire in Bloom 2017 entry

You might think that the Yorkshire in Bloom competition is all about flowers and colourful gardens. That’s what we thought, until we were invited to look in detail at the competition’s aims and objectives. In fact, as far as open spaces such as Hyde Park Cemetery are concerned, the purpose of Yorkshire in Bloom is:

“To raise awareness of the increasing input that voluntary groups are having in the maintenance and care of sites within the community. To provide networking opportunities and support from the other similar community groups.”

Having considered the matter in some detail, the Friends of Hyde Park Cemetery decided to enter Yorkshire in Bloom 2017.

Judging will take place in June. In the intervening months, we would love you to come along to our Working Mornings to help us prepare for that time. Details of our Working Mornings can be found on our Events page.

Successful Open Meeting & AGM

There was a small but enthusiastic audience in attendance at last night’s Open Meeting and AGM. They enjoyed an excellent talk by Victoria Ryves and Vicky Siviter, from the Doncaster 1914-18, At Home, At War project, including hearing some fascinating stories of Doncaster people’s extraordinary actions during WW1. There was the man who died in action only hours before the Armistice was declared, the soldier whose life was saved when his metal cigarette case stopped a bullet aimed at his heart, and the small dog who was smuggled back to Doncaster from the Western Front after the war ended and survived a further 16 years at his Wheatley home.

Following a break for refreshments, Helen Slade, FoHPC Secretary, presented the group’s comprehensive annual report. Margaret Bark, Treasurer, then presented the 2015/16 accounts.  Finally the officers and committee were elected for the coming year, including the election of Andria Johns to the position of Chairman.

Volunteers’ Working Morning – Good progress but could do better!

Today’s Working Morning achieved a great deal, considering that only three volunteers were present. But we could do so much more if just a few more people came along. Please consider joining us next month (on 11 Feb), Full details of forthcoming Working Mornings are on our Events page.

Among the tasks completed today was to clear up the fly-tipped rubbish that we reported a couple of days ago. We also collected a great deal of litter and debris from elsewhere in the cemetery, some of which would have been blown in by the recent strong winds. One item that we picked up, which definitely wasn’t blown in, is pictured below!

Fly tipping incident

Occasionally, various anti-social individuals carry out mindless acts in the cemetery. The most recent ones that we are aware of are the fly-tippng of refuse near to the south east corner of the site and damaging one of our Memorial Meadow signs. While this is extremely annoying and frustrating, the Friends of Hyde Park Cemetery will not be diverted from their aims of improving the cemetery for everyone.

If you see anyone causing damage or acting irresponsibly at Hyde Park Cemetery please notify the relevant authorities. Call 101 for Police (non-emergency) or 01302-736000 for Doncaster Council.

Social media volunteer needed

The Friends of Hyde Park Cemetery are looking for someone with a sound working knowledge of Facebook, Twitter and other social media, to help us to raise the profile of the organisation. You would need to be able to spend about one or two hours per week (or more if you wish) volunteering for FoHPC in this capacity. If you are such a person, ideally with an interest in the cemetery or local history generally, then we would ask you please to contact us. Many thanks.

Illustrated Talk on Hyde Park Cemetery

Thanks go to everyone at the Tickhill MHA “Live At Home” Group, who attended this afternoon’s illustrated talk about Hyde Park Cemetery. They formed a small but receptive audience. We also thank them for their donation towards the work of FoHPC.

Happy New Year

We would like to wish all our supporters a Very Happy New Year for 2017. Here’s to another successful year of improvements and enhancements to Hyde Park Cemetery, Doncaster.