Missing footpath link reinstated

We are pleased to be able to report that, following representations to Doncaster Council, a key section of footpath in the cemetery has been reinstated, after previously being removed, soiled and seeded. The section of path in question was part of the perimeter path,...

Website review

We are considering a thorough overhaul of this website. It has been in use for several years now, without significant changes being made to the design, so we are looking at the options for improvement. We would also like to make the site easier to navigate and browse,...

Winter 2016 Newsletter available

Our latest Newsletter is now available to download from our Downloads page. Please take a look at what’s been happening and what’s coming up.


In the item about David Bowie’s family connection to Doncaster, posted on 11 January, we made a typographical error. We wrongly named David’s father as Howard Stenton Jones, instead of Haywood Stenton Jones. It was one of those cases of the fingers not...

David Bowie’s family grave

Further to our News item posted on 11 January, here are pictures of the grave of David Bowie’s paternal grandmother’s grave. Her name was Zillah Hannah Jones.  

Changes to cemetery footpaths

Doncaster Council have recently carried out resurfacing of many of the footpaths in Hyde Park Cemetery, for which we and the cemetery’s many other users are very grateful. Some of the other paths were not only in very poor condition, but were also very little...